Years 11 and 12 suite of materials
The Fashion for the Sun Years 11 and 12 materials have been designed to help students aged 16–18 years to develop an understanding of skin cancer and sun protection and to take creative action in promoting sun-safe messages with respect to clothing, hats and sunglasses.
The Years 11 and 12 suite of materials includes:
Each design challenge has its own unique focus:
The design challenges and the research task all include:
There are many resources to support the design challenges and research task, as described in Teacher notes 9: Overview of the Years 11 and 12 suite of materials and as listed below, available as downloadable PDFs. It is expected that the teacher will select those resources that are most appropriate to the task, taking into account the students’ abilities, time available and other similar considerations. Some resources that are listed are suitable for students in Years 9/10 as well as students in Years 11/12; it is expected that the student responses would be at very different levels for the different bands’.
Overview of the Years 11 and 12 suite of materials
Teacher notes
Overview of the Years 11 and 12 suite of materials includes information about the tasks, what students submit, brief notes about assessing student work, and suggested learning experiences for the three tasks and how to use the resources provided. Many of the learning experiences and resources are suitable for students in Year 9 to Year 12, but the response demands for Years 11/12 students would be higher.
Establishing knowledge about sun safety and skin cancer (for all three tasks)
Teacher notes
Establishing knowledge about skin cancer and sun safety
Slide shows (PowerPoint presentations)
Skin cancer
Sun safety myths and facts
Fact files
At a glance—Skin cancer
At a glance—Skin cancer statistics
Sun safety myths and facts
Five ways to be sun safe
Student response (activity) sheets
What is your understanding of skin cancer?
Interpreting skin cancer statistics
Making sense of skin cancer statistics A
Making sense of skin cancer statistics B
Delving deeper into sun safety: Think, pair, share
Skin cancer and sun safety—Connect, Extend, Challenge!
Resources for the two design challenges
Design challenge: Making sun-safe clothing fashionable
Making sun-safe clothing fashionable
Making sun-safe clothing fashionable
Design challenge: Sun savvy with style
Sun-savvy with style
Sun savvy with style
Fact files for the two design challenges
Fashion templates
Student response sheets for both design challenges
Fabric characteristics and UVR protection—A text analysis
Fabric characteristics and UVR protection—A practical investigation
Fabric characteristics and UVR protection—An analytical response
Design features for sun-savvy fashion
The needs of my client or target market
Image Board
Being a fashion designer
Developing fashion design ideas: A lotus diagram
Finalising and communicating fashion design solutions
Resources for Do Australian teens embrace the sun-safe message?
Do Australians embrace the sun-safe message?
Do Australian teens embrace the sun-safe message?
Fact files
Teens go cool on tanning
Student response (activity) sheets
Teens go cool on tanning
Establishing introductory knowledge
Resources for years 7/8
Resources for years 9/10
Resources for years 11/12
All resources